Possum Point Players...
On The Edge
ON THE EDGE (OTE) is an experimental affiliate of Possum Point Players, established in 1999 for the purpose of generating and providing boundary-pushing and risk-taking theatre in the southern DE area. In 1999, Possum Point Players created the "ON THE EDGE" experience for the purpose of providing "risk-taking" theatre to our public and volunteers. Possum Point Players ON THE EDGE creates, produces and/or performs theatrical works that allow those involved to take risks in their desired art form. Those risks are taken to teach, to stretch and to enlighten and/or entertain the actors, audience and other participants.
As we look to revitalize OTE, we hope to build an artistic network of performers, creators, visionaries, observers, explorers, and intellectuals who are hungry to engage in script analysis and discoveries - all with the intent of finding a greater understanding of our ever-changing and constantly expanding theatrical landscape.
The name suggests we do work that is: 1.) precarious, dangerous, or risky, whatever that means. It also implies: 2.) fringe: new or unseen - perhaps even “Avant Garde.” Finally it suggests work that is: 3.) riveting, keeps you guessing and is thrilling as in —“on the edge of your seat”.
ON THE EDGE meets regularly every Thursday evening (except the first Thursday of the month) at 7:00pm at Possum Point Players to read plays that would not typically be produced within community theatre with the purpose of dissecting them, challenging them, and ultimately, mounting full-fledged productions of them.
On the Edge seeks to produce bold and innovative works that can, more often than not, contain mature themes. This includes profane language, violence, sexual themes, and use of mature substances.
We recommend On the Edge for ages 16+.