SOUTHERN GIRLS follows the lives of 6 childhood friends, three African American and three Caucasian. The story is set in southern Alabama in the early 1950s, and follows the girls from childhood into their teenage years, when the invisible line of discrimination becomes more pronounced. As the years pass and the girls grow into adulthood, their world changes and each woman’s dreams are affected by the turbulent times of that era.
The Cast: June-Adele Taylor...Kori Lewandowski / Naomi Hurdle...Summer Okoye
Charlotte Cecil Martin...Sierra Marie Riedel / Dolly Granger Jackson...Madelyn Baum
Wanda Sue Johnson...Baleigh Nicole Lambert / Ruth Hurdle...Melanie Showell
by Sheri Bailey and Dura Temple
Friday, FEB 21 at 7:30p / Saturday, FEB 22 at 7:30p
Sunday FEB 23 at 2:00p, 2014
Tickets $10 at the door
Director: Claudius Bowden, Jr.
Assistant Director: Jim Debastiani
The cast of Southern Girls on set
A vision to bring greater diversity to their theater "family" at Possum Point Players came to life as Possum Point Players' Dreamers United in 2008. About a dozen interested individuals from the community engaged in the journey, and the name "Dreamers United" was chosen because just as Possum Point Players began with a dream, so did this subgroup.
As a group, Possum Point Players' Dreamers United seeks diversity of all types including cultural, social, and economic. Those who may not now view themselves as part of community theater are encouraged to explore the experiences offered onstage as well as offstage. Opportunities exist in set construction, costuming, make up, sound, lighting, and other production skills.
Possum Point Players' Dreamers United is not separate from, but is an integral part of PPP. Having a dream is wonderful; putting feet to that dream is hard work and Possum Point Players' Dreamers United has shown that it is up to the task. The 2011 main stage production of Ragtime brought renewed interest and a positive response to cultural diversity. As DU continues to grow, it is exciting to see new faces, hear new voices, and enjoy the excellent talent to be found at Possum Point Players.
Come join the journey with us! We promise great fun, some hard work, and the experience of a lifetime. Our group usually meets monthly at Possum Hall. All are welcome! If you have questions or are interested in Possum Point Players' Dreamers United please call the PPP office at 302-856-3460 for more information.
Dreamers United, an affiliate of Possum Point Players, will present A Celebration of Black History: Triumph Through Struggle on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 2:00p. Tickets are $10 each for general admission. Our mission in this production is to entertain, educate, and empower. In this year's show, we will present through song/music, dance, story, and play the resilience of African Americans during their history in America. Our goal is to showcase the talent of those individuals who have worked hard to grow our diverse organization. Come and share an afternoon with Dreamers United that promises to be filled with fellowship and inspiration!
A Night of Motown Hits
Saturday OCT 27 & Sunday OCT 28, 2018
Possum Point Players presents
A Fundraiser Weekend featuring Dreamers United
A Night of Motown Hits
Friday, November 3 at 7:30p
Saturday, November 4:
Pre-show Gala at 6:30p, Show Time at 7:30p
Sunday, November 5 at 2:00p
featuring performances by
Claudius Bowden—director
Christy Taylor—music director
Howard Deshiell • Steve Riddick • Anthony Policastro
Steven Dow • Steven A. Wimbs • Hansel Fuller
Andrew Showell • Tarraye Sturgis • Tasha Tana Dawson
Mary O'Neill • Imani Cummings • Tara Wisely
Valerie Johnson • Toni Marie • Chavonne Robins
Teleea D. Jackson • Madison Cuesta • Anthony Giddeon